Who is North Dakota Lottery Results.org

We appreciate you asking.. We are a moderately-sized web-based marketing firm licensed and incorporated in Pensacola, Florida. The group of lottery results websites aim to be home for all lotto enthusiast. Our websites have purposely kept The lotto winning numbers on top of the advertisements so surfers don?t have to go digging through mounds of ads. Our lotto players really just need the current lotto winning numbers so they can go to bed.


How we want to succeed

Our business model is simple, to gain players appreciation for the site and to be the most popular lotto result provider on the net for the masses of lotto participants around the world. We are trying to gather a group of faithful players to The pages who might encourage us in part by linking to us from their blogs, DIGGing the results, bookmarking or telling others about The websites in every other way they can. Making us popular should be beneficial in our quest to maintain limited outside marketing.

FAQ about the lotto numbers

The lotto winning numbers are retrieved each 15 minutes, so you can can know that you are viewing the lotto numbers as fast as they are available to us. We believe our numbers are about 100% accurate (we have never gotten even one report of inaccuracy). If you are concerned about The lottery numbers, we encourage you to consult the official state lottery website. We also recommend you keep your non-winning lotto tickets in case there is ever a mistake in the future.